Friday 15 April 2011

The Mystery of a Stranger's Self-Image

Sorry I didn't write a blog post yesterday. I won't give my excuse because my excuse is boring so we're all just going to have to move on. First, I would like to thank the bundle of new followers I have as well as the older ones who have stuck with me for ages (by that I mean a few months) and I would also like to compliment you all on your excellent taste in blog. I'm joking. I think you are all mad.
Today I'm going to talk about self image (and no, this is not going to be a girly post because self image is not purely something which applies to girls). Anyway, I've been thinking about this because I've spent a day at a shopping mall surrounded by a huge variety of people who all hold themselves in such different ways. It's funny how you see a stranger walking by and you are immediately struck by how confident they look when you don't even know them. It begs the question do they even know how confident they look? It could all be just an act, it could be an unintentional thing as a result of their stance or the clothes they wear. It's always interesting contemplating the assumptions you make about people- the example I just gave was rather general but how do you explain bad first impressions or an instant dislike to a person when you have no good reason to make these assumptions. It's actually quite worrying because it's all built on prejudices or past bad experiences and it just shows that no one can go through life without developing some sort of narrowness or ignorance.
As for my personal self image I think I'm pretty clear on what my strengths and my weaknesses are. Something I do try to do is appear happy and I think it seems to work. I am of course a happy person anyhow but not quite as cheerful as I act in certain situations- I try not to look fazed by things that perhaps I am fazed or upset by and I try not to make a fuss over things too, because I don't like to come across as "moany" either. I do feel mildly uncomfortable talking about this but, hey, it's done now. Please make me feel better and leave a comment on what your personal image is or just what you think of this topic, in general.


  1. I think the biggest difficulty for me in coming to an understanding of who I am was where I grew up. (this may actually be something a lot of people have in their life, so I may be a bit overdramatic about this.) Where I grew up, people might as well have said, "You're different, and that's bad." I did everything I could to be a complete reaction to everything that was around me. So I pushed a lot of stuff away.

    So when I started college, that was really when I started to grow up, and find out what was important to me. That first year of college, I really feel was most genuinely who I was. I found a group of friends, and was happy. The second year, true to form, I went to an extreme for stupid reasons again. But eventually righted myself.

    I think it's all about finding a balance, but most importantly, experience everything in life you can.

  2. Your completely right :) I think everyone struggles with self-image at least a bit in thier lives. Thanks for commenting!!

  3. I think a majority of people's confidence and self image comes from their social environment. For example, if you are a popular kid with countless girls running after you, you WILL appear more confidant in how you act and dress then that of a quiet kid with his head in a book. But ignorance in males and females ignore these 'nerds' and 'loosers' because when it comes to our generation, it IS the outside that counts more! But karma serves them well as the people they ignore are the better and nicer people, who's personalities aren't corrupted with the latest fashion, who's-dating-who bitchyness and shallowness/ignorance! .....whoa.......... i need to sit down now after THAT rant.... :L

  4. HaHa where you not sitting down while typing? You're right though, social statuses are ignorant and there's more to people than that.
