Tuesday 8 March 2011

Bookmarked, My New Blog

When I'm looking for a new, interesting book to read I often search for recommendations for young adults online. However I must confess i've become increasingly disappointed with the results that these searches produce. I'm usually directed towards amazon lists entitled "books for teens" or something of that sort which list the most predictable young adult books I've already read which include with half hearted descriptions which either tell you nothing of any use or make the book sound dull. I think you'll agree that one faceless stranger on the internet telling you that "This Book's AMAZINGGG!!!" isn't going to convince you to read a book, especially when the blurb hasn't even been included in the description.

So, that, ladies and gentlemen, is how my new blog, Bookmarked, was born. As this blog is currently a new born baby, the structure and content will probably change over time but I'm going to kick start it off by regularly posting non-spoiling book reviews/recommendations of any good book that I think is worth sharing. I also hope to involve visitors to submit their own recommendations in the form of comments. The first post went up today introducing the blog and providing a few recommendations just to get the ball rolling. Click the follow button on "Bookmarked" if you're interested in the subject matter but don't worry; I'll still be updating this blog regularly just probably not for book talk. So, if you read this blog purely for my book reviews then switch to Bookmarked but I will probably post things on here relating to creativity and literary discussion because that's what interests me.

Thanks for reading! 

The Bookmarked Mission: Decrease usage of the following phrase "I have nothing to read!".