Tuesday 12 April 2011

Jackie and the Skyscraper

This is a modern fairy tale I started writing a few years ago. I really like it and, although I'm yet to finish it, I hopefully will this year!

Once upon a time, hundreds of years before flying cars and automatic brains there lived the people of the twenty-first century. Now, the twenty-first century was a fascinating time, although the people were not as clever as we are now, and had terrible dress sense, they were philosophical, courageous and sacrificed much for the need of others. This story starts in the middle of London and underneath a colossal rain cloud…

Jackie Alton sat in the deserted park, scuffing her shoes across the tarmac. It had been raining intensely for a whole hour, that Friday afternoon, and the entire park had turned in to an enormous glittering lake. The swings, half covered with flaking paint, were creaking furiously in objection to the wet weather, but the slide, usually rusty and looking worse for wear was transformed into a breathtaking water feature.
Despite the inconvenience of it all, Jackie loved the park like this. It was usually just a tacky little play-park, swarming with gossiping mums and little kids that screamed and wailed. In the rain, the park was changed in to a sanctuary, just for Jackie to enjoy.

It was a place for her to think, a place for her to reflect on her problems. And there were plenty of them in her life. Jackie lived with her mum, her two older sisters and her baby brother, Ricky in a Tenement block. She absolutely hated it! From the outside you could have probably mistaken it for a multi-story car park and inside; it was a prison. The staircases were narrow and dark, the lifts stank of wee and the windows were so filthy that even in the middle of summer very little light managed to break through the grime.
But, that was where she lived and complaining about it wasn’t going to help anyone. Unless her mum miraculously and very suddenly got a profitable job then there wasn’t much anyone could do about the family’s situation.

“There’s nothing you can do” Jackie proclaimed out loud to herself, however in her heart she knew this wasn’t true. Up in her bedroom, in a large white shoebox sat her new Nike trainers, unworn. She had been saving up for them all year, but her mum needed money now, and she could probably get about £25 for them if she haggled hard. She had initially planned to take them to the loan sharks to sell, but when she had took them out of their box and ran her fingers along the soft leather she was won over by her longing- her longing to wear the trainers; to feel good about her self for once in her life. Although she knew it was self-centred, Jackie didn’t want to let go of her most prized possession.
Blocking out these disturbing feelings, Jackie slid off of the bench she had been perched on, then began to make her way home. She was just turning in to her street, after a five minute walk, when she came face to face with the very person everybody dreaded meeting; Moe White with her diminutive gang of seven ‘bling’ clad followers. She was the ultimate bully of the class. She even made some of the boys cry and if she truly didn’t like you, she made your life hell.

I hope you enjoyed this little taster- feedback would be awesome for this is only the first draft.


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