Monday 18 April 2011

A Fresh Start

Today is a fresh start for me. I've been somewhat unmotivated so far, in this holiday. It's kind of been like a viscous circle of feeling like I need to do work, not wanting to do work and then feeling guilty about not doing work so not being able to do anything else even semi productive e.g. blogging. It's tricky getting out of that mind frame but, last night it got the extent that I was doing my own head in so I kind of slapped myself and awoke, this morning, with a conscientious mind frame. I've already been outside for a walk (which I recommend when you have lots of work to do) and sat down and done a two hour English paper (for practise). So, as a result, I don't feel guilty for typing this blog post out.

I'm going down to Devon on Wednesday night to see family, which will make it difficult for me to blog for a few days, especially as I'm already going to be bringing a ton of art work with me, working towards my art exam. It'll be really nice to get away, though and eat chocolate eggs!! I've actually given up chocolate for lent and it's been really easy, on the whole. There was a small "glitch" the other week when, during an after show party, my friend offered me some chocolate fingers and I genuinely FORGOT they contained chocolate but I haven't had any chocolate since then and I was too exhausted at the time to taste the damn things anyway. It's so typically me to FORGET something was chocolate, it had nothing to do with poor self control... I'm just forgetful. Haha! I'm not actually religious and this is the first year I've given up something for lent. I'm not doing it for any religious reason, just to exercise self control and because there's more than life than chocolate. There is. Seriously. I'm off to go tidy my pig sty of a room now so bye!


  1. I gave up french fries and slipped up in the first week, ordering them at lunch and not realizing what I had done until I sat down to eat them. I couldn't not eat them then, though, I was too weak. But that was the only time! Lent is now over and I say we made it :)
