Saturday 8 January 2011

Shopping Malls and Bus Rides (sigh)

I usually avoid shopping in malls for several reasons.
1. I rarely end up buying what I set out to buy
2. It's crowded and noisy
3. I'm bad at it

But, unfortunately, today was one of those days when I had no choice. I usually go on big shopping sprees with my Mum, rather than my friends as I'm rarely in a spending mood when with my friends, instead we always end up doing something random or ridiculous and often related to YouTube, Harry Potter or food.
Anyway, my mum and I walked down to the bus stop, this morning, and found it packed with screaming year nines and tens; the last people you want on a bus with you. We only just got seats but not together and I ended up next to a little, old lady who was obviously quite intimidated by the "youths" on the bus, although I'm not sure if I was part of her troubles or not. It wasn't a bad journey if you rule out the way the girl's screams pierced through my internal organs and the yet to break voices of the shouting boys contributed to an overall storm of noise which filled up your brain meaninglessly, leaving no thinking space for distraction. The lady next to me wasn't a problem; I mean she didn't smell or anything but it was mildly frustrating the way, whenever I turned to look at something, her head would follow my movement and then quickly face back towards the window when I caught her. Or...maybe I'm just paranoid?

The actual Mall, itself, was an improvement to the bus. I managed to pick up some  mundane items of clothing, none of which I had actually came out to buy and ate an egg sandwich and some crisps for lunch. The whole thing was actually going well until a literal nightmare approached me; my slightly senile, over friendly English teacher! I could distinctly feel my eyes widen in horror at the initial sight of her but I quickly smiled at her, as she was also grinning widely. But she wasn't smiling at me, but my mum. Obviously, you don't know this but my mum works at my school as a teaching assistant and my teacher obviously recognized her from that. it was only after she had passed us that she must have turned around and saw me because she exclaimed "Oh look, there's Freya". And so I was thinking "crap, do I turn round and say hello or pretend I didn't hear. I compromised by turning around to smile and, before I could do anything about it, i was being hurriedly introduced to my teacher's adult daughter who looked just as embarrassed as I felt. And now I really just want to block this encounter out of my memory but I thought I'd tell my blog because I've really gotten to like it. Awhhh!

The trip stretched on and, eventually, when the sun rays had disappeared from even the very topmost section of the giant Christmas tree no one had yet bothered to take down, we decided it was time to take the bus home. I considered this, at the time, and decided that it couldn't be as bad as the journey there and I guess I was right, reflecting now. But, blog readers, this is were it gets a bit strange. Whilst I was queuing to get on the bus, amongst most of the pushing kids that had been on the morning bus who seemed to have increased in amplitude, I experienced a strange adrenaline rush. I know, I know; adrenaline rushes occur when you or a loved one are in mortal danger or you need to do something to survive, natural animal instincts and all that but I genuinely believe that my desire to make sure I got a seat on the bus was so strong that I was successfully able to strategically block the kids out of the line who had pushed and get a seat for me and my mum together. Or maybe it was the anger at how annoying the kids were that i wouldn't allow them to have our seats. It was weird though because my pulse quickened and I felt really alert and awake and determined to succeed in my "mission". God, I live on the edge! OK, maybe it wasn't actually an adrenaline rush but it was definitely something...definitely something.

Overall, the day was OK as I enjoyed spending it with my mum but, for now, I'm going to take a long break from shopping and spend my weekends in my bedroom, writing blogs, making videos and Skype-ing. Nahh, I'll probably go out with my friends too soon but I definitely plan to stay in tomorrow. Screw the fact that my only school appropriate shoes are waterlogged, I'm NOT going out to buy new ones!

Bye Bye, BlogSpot

1 comment:

  1. i rarely have to use buses because i live in a villiage near a town . . . but when i go to dublin i do. and i feel your pain.

    also, i get adrenaline rushes at the weirdest times. i was playing hurling one time, and the ball was coming towards me and then suddenly everything felt slower and i could hear my heart beat and next thing i know i had whacked the ball into the next field. to say everone was shocked is an understatement :L
