Sunday 2 January 2011

2011 Resolutions

I've always kind of found new year's resolutions to be pretty pointless. Most new year's days, when I was younger I would always assure my parents that my new year's resolution was to keep my room tidy. It was usually a half hearted promise which I kept for a month of two and then forgot about as the year stretched on. But as I've grown as a person I've found that I can be proactive about resolutions. I can make plans and then follow through with them. I feel as if I've spent too many years of my life, not exactly wasting my time but telling myself or other people all these "grand plans" for life and yet never actually doing anything towards achieving them. Anyway, as well as becoming more proactive, I've also developed a love for lists. *Awkward Pause*

Anyway, the point is that on the eve of 2011 I wrote a list of my new year's resolutions which I do intent to keep or at least try to the best of my abilities to keep. Actually, some of them are more goals than resolutions but you get my drift. I wasn't intending to post this list on my blog initially but  someone suggested that I do and I kind of want to make up for my last post which I feel is a bit weak, kind of vague and confusing so here goes...

My List of resolutions and Goals for 2011 

  1. Learn to knit
  2. Read at least 25 books that I HAVEN'T already read
  3. Have another reread of all my Harry Potter books, in order
  4. Post at least one of my Harry Potter spoof songs on my YouTube channel ;)
  5. Make better videos and only post ones that I am genuinely proud of 
  6. Start editing my NaNoWriMo novel 
  7. Start writing my new story in the summer
  8. Get a summer job
  9. Exercise more
  10. Achieve at least two A*s in my GCSEs 
  11. Don't forget people's birthdays 
  12. Record more of my ideas on paper
  13. Stop disregarding my hair
  14. Make a pecan pie
  15. Take more artistic photographs
  16. Do BEDA (Blog every day in August) 
  17. Give up sweets and chocolate for lent
  18. Make a better Project For Awesome video 
Sorry if that list bored you. I plan to write a blog at the end of 2011 letting you know how my resolutions went. I'm planning to incorporate my 25 book goal in to the YouTube project I'm going to be involved in this year, WritersOnTheWall, which should be fun because I'll be able to involve more people in this challenge, of sorts.  I may also blog about any books which make a particular impression on me, if I get time so watch out for that. Oh, also, if this post was a little too sensible and you want something a little more stupid regarding new year's resolutions then check out my video

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