Friday, 1 October 2010

England really can rain when it wants to!

I'm writing this mainly for my friend and follower, Matt, because he told me to but also because I told myself I was going to keep this blogging thing here goes.

Hmm, I guess I'll tell you about yesterday... I was sat in geography, in the morning, when I heard magical, lighthearted music drift in from next door.
"Could it be?" I thought to myself and after straining to hear it for about twenty minutes I decided that Yes! some kids were watching Harry Potter next door whilst I was revising COASTS! So not fair! Ahh but the day improved when I went to I.T and, due to my teacher being absent and the school internet system screwed, I got on to youtube with Matt (who I seem to mention a lot) and watched random crap. I annoyed my "acquaintance", Jack, too! Good times :)

I've been told to include that later on in the day me and my friends saw a squirrel with a conker in it's mouth. Cool stuff. Granted it was a funny sight but I really think you had to be there!!

Right, fast forward to today... yeah, all I have to say is drum sticks make good wands, I like using imperio on my classmates and England seems to have an endless supply of rainwater! I'm still wet :(

Ok, this post is boring... but you'll forgive me :D

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