Tuesday, 12 October 2010

"Catching Fire" rambling review (SPOILERS)

I just had some cheese topped bread for lunch and it made me think of Peeta so I decided that I'm ready to do my review of "Catching Fire"! Yay! I really shouldn't technically be doing this as my only follower hasn't even read any of "The Hunger Games" YET so he won't be reading this and if he is then he is very, very bad! Oh, also if you are a non-follower reading this who also hasn't read this book then I strongly recommend it to you. It's a book who would be insane to miss out on!

Moving on... I finished "Catching Fire" a couple of days ago but haven't felt like writing about it until now. It was a powerful, honest book which I think I loved even more than "The Hunger Games". Throughout the book I could feel the rebellion building and building and I knew it was only a matter of time until the situation effectively exploded in to the inevitable bloodbath which I'm sure is coming in "Mockingjay".

The book pretty much starts off where it left off; the aftermath of Katniss' mini rebellion at the end of the Games. I found myself falling even deeper in love with Peeta in this book. He demonstrates such loyalty and love towards Katniss and I just adore his character. he is selfless, caring and humble and overall amazing. I have a tendency to fall in love with characters but I guess that's not really a surprise, they are fictional! Right now I am just terrified that he will die in "Mockingjay" and I really, really need to read it or I am going to loose my sanity. When I read that Katniss was going to have to enter the hunger games a second time I went in to a temporary state of shock. It was just so unexpected! Her reaction to it was extremely, extremely well written though; for example the way it didn't sink in at first etc. I guess one of the reasons I loved Peeta even more in this book was that he was determined to enter in to the games again just to protect Katniss. Awwwwhhh. Oh My God I love this book...

I loved Cinna's death too. No, that sounds awful! I hated that he died but I love his character and the way he died for Katniss and for what was right. It was really brutal the way he died, especially the way they did it just before Katniss entered the Games. I love Cinna for his quiet confidence, bravery and empathy :)

Now I'm going to talk about the end of "Catching Fire"...I loved it and even though I didn't expect it I did however know all along that Johanna was on Katniss' side. I'm not entirely sure why but this gut feeling was made stronger when Suzanne Collins wrote that Johanna looked at katniss with "approval" and also the way she shouted the abuse at the Capitol, whilst in the arena. Awesome moment! As I have said, I didn't see the ending coming but I knew that neither Katniss nor Peeta were going to die in the second games but I also knew the Capitol were definitely not going to let them live. But yeahhh man I WANT PEETA BACK! Arghhh

Just a quick note about Gale: I love him as well as Peeta, for his bravery and passion although I think his passion can make him slightly blind.

P.S I do actually have a few gut feelings/predictions about "Mockingjay" including the following:
1. Things will not be as they seem
2. Peeta may die :'(
3. Katniss will get pregnant for real with Peeta
4. Gale may die (if Peeta doesn't) in a very heroic, dramatic way because that is just SO him
5. Peeta will kill somebody directly
6. There will be a "final battle scene" as such

Happy Reading!

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