Another thing which is on my mind is the approaching 2011. It feels as if it was just a few days ago that I was sitting on my sofa waiting for the new year, at midnight. Sometimes it's hard to get excited about the new year but I really am looking forward to what the future holds because it can hold whatever I want it to. I'm a firm believer that you make your own fate and that you only get opportunities if you find opportunities and take them... that wasn't very eloquent. You understand what I mean, right? I'm looking forward to leaving school, my school production (nice order, Freya), doing more blogs and youtube videos, writing a lot more and I'm excited about the experience of getting involved in a collaboration channel called WritersOnTheWall which unites "WriMos" (National Novel Writing Month participants). Anyway, even though I'm embracing the new year, when it comes I will feel as if I've achieved a lot this year and I also feel like I've developed a lot as a person too. I've discovered this year that if you are determined you can do pretty much anything you put your mind to and that it is always better to do something than to sit around, twiddling your thumbs, and coming up with hundreds of superficial reasons why you shouldn't go ahead with the thing. I have also discovered some super music, astoundingly good books, lovely people and that you should never try to conceal your personality or act like someone your not, because at the end of the day where will it get you? I' very proud of some things I have achieved this year too, winning NaNoWriMo is definitely one as well as doing well in most of my subjects at school and taking part in extra things like the school production, youtube projects and guess what else? a social life.
OK, I would love to ramble on but I seriously wouldn't want to bore my blog readers. Too late you say? Ah well, I'm off to prepare for my fancy dress party in which I shall be dressing up as the epic LUNA LOVEGOOD; one of my favourite characters of all time. Oh, and I'm excited because my mum's baking and decorating a cake for my birthday which I have my suspicions is a Harry Potter cake... Oh, Harry Potter, how you have shaped my life in to a magical kingdom. Crap, did I just say that. Oh, that reminds me I cried myself to sleep last night after mistakenly listening to "Leaving Hogwarts" from the Philosopher's Stone soundtrack. The score speaks belonging, freindship and warmth as well as sadness and it's beautiful.
Bye Everyone, have wonderful Decembers