Sunday, 22 August 2010

The Outsiders- a book review

YouTube is so, so very amazing that it is difficult to prevent it from consuming your life. I've left my English essay and most of my Art Coursework until the last week of the summer holiday because of YouTube. The question I am now asking myself is, was it worth it? Answer: yes! What does that say about me?

However, the other day I didn't go on YouTube at all. Instead I read a book called "The Outsiders" by S E Hinton, a book about teenagers struggling to fit in, find themselves and surviving in the cruel reality which is life. It's only a short read but one that has stayed with me after reading it. If I was to describe it in three words I would say it was tragic, realistic and thought-provoking.

 Although the book was published in 1967 I don't think it will ever become outdated because it brings up so many issues which readers can and always will be able to apply to their lives and society in general. Part of the reason why I think "The Outsiders" is such a compelling, truthful and powerful book is that the Authoress, S E Hinton, was only 15 when she began writing it and published it at the age of 18. This means that she would have been writing it during her teenage years so the thoughts and feeling of the teenagers in the story would have been similar to her own.

I could blog about this wonderful book for hours but I don't want to give away the plot for anyone who stumbles across this post. Overall, "The Outsiders" is a compelling and eye-opening book which I would particularly recommend to those interested in Psychology or Sociology, or just those who are deep-thinkers.

p.s Uploaded a video on to YouTube today

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