I am absolutely loving that I can finally write a blog, after a month of neglecting my website of sorts. Sure, I have two tests tomorrow that I could be revising for but that doesn't matter, I'm not thinking about that...because I WON NANOWRIMO aka National Novel Writing Month. (If you don't already know this is a month long writing project in which both amateur and professional writers attempt to write 50,000 or more words in 4o days and 40 nights.)

My novel was entitled "Whichever Way the wind Blows", it's not perfect and definitely needs checking through and altering about a thousand times, but I think it has potential. I'm going to take a small break from it now though for some Christmas spirit and new projects which I haven't been able to devote any time to this November. This is only a short blog post because I really do have revision to be doing but hey...check this out >
If you want one (as well as hard work and perhaps just the motivation and discipline you need to get that novel plan in action) then click
here to find out all about how to apply for NaNo. No, I'm not going to be useful and informative, I'm just going to link you.
Have fun and Have lovely end-of-Novembers
you won nanowrimo!? i am so impressed right now.
ReplyDeletewell done mate :) (Y)
Thank you very much :) You gonna participate next year? XD