OMG I cannot believe I have actually finally seen this film!!!!!!!

I've been waiting for it for so, so, so long for this film and now I've finally seen it I can say it's overall amazing. Of course, as soon as my friends and I got out of the cinema, and after we stopped mourning Dobby, we ripped it apart, piece by piece... But then we had to admit that we actually really did really, really LOVE the film, as well. They missed out some things I loved but they also INCLUDED so many that I don't mind an awful amount.
I went on the day of the release (naturally) with my awesome friends Matt, Lauren, Megan, Kirsten and Abbi and while no blog reader will be interested in the details of the trip, I on the other hand want to remember this day. We pre-booked the tickets ages before but there was a bit of a crisis with a bus and we ended up getting a taxi there which was actually quite cheap, considering. Then, we had a bit of lunch in some restaurant where most of us drunk tap water, much to the waiter's annoyance and got excited about the film and discussed predictions. Then we went in (half an hour early in to an empty cinema screen). Lucky it came out on our in-service day really.
I'm not going to give away any details but I'll say that it stayed very true to the book, they added some really nice details and the acting was mainly very good. There was also some very good humor, but sometimes it was badly timed and therefore took away from tense or "scary" scenes. It wasn't perfect but it was definitely one of the best, I haven't decided if this one outdoes Goblet of Fire yet ...but it's a close one to call. I was very affected by a lot of the moments in the film and I thought, in particular, that Daniel, Rupert and Emma portrayed the relationships between Harry, Ron and Hermione perfectly. Uh oh, I'm feeling sentimental crap about to burst from me now so I will conclude...
As an awesome hard-core Harry Potter book fan I'm never going to be 100% happy with any of the films but I try to enjoy them as a separate thing, as an interpretation and that usually works out fine. I cannot wait to read other blog posts and you-tube videos about the film and am looking foward to seeing my friends again to talk about it. So, you, yes you, if you haven't watched this film yet, go watch it because it really is EPIC and I cannot wait for part 2!
Happy HarryPottering Everyone