Walking home from school today and feeling the chill sneak in to my open shoes and through my thin jumper really gave me the "autumn feeling". I walked and talked with two of my best friends Matt and Lauren about the awesome things we talk about... our hatred of certain teachers, random TV shows and um conkers. Yes, we seem to have a new obsession with gathering conkers. I guess my excuse would be that I grew up collecting conkers, in my primary school. Right in the middle of the playground there was a gigantic Oak tree which was so big there was enough conkers for everyone in the autumn and the roots were big enough and high enough to actually climb on.
Anyway, back to the present... we stopped by a fairly small Oak tree or "conker tree" as we call it and dived on the prickly green shells like little kids. The falling of conkers makes it official to me that autumn has begun, not to mention the icy wind that, I think, has left me with a chill now. But who can resist the wonderful, shiny brown and what can only be described as auburn qualities of the conker? And now I feel like an Autumn watch presenter. Great.
(bad) Conker Photography |
Ah well, here's a picture I took of some of my beloved conkers.
p.s I've just had a really autumnal tea too, shepherd's pie and Apple pie. Lots of pie mmmm
Happy Autumn Everyone (Who am I even talking to? )